
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Phnom Penn Genocide Museum and Killing Fields

Some of these images are very disturbing. The brutality of the Khmer Rouge regime is second to none. The genocide museum is on the site of the Toul Sleng School turned S-21 Prison and torture camp. After torture, prisoners were taken to the killing fields, excecuted, and dumped in mass graves. Every year, the rainy season turns the ground into a swamp causing clothes and bones of the dead to rise to the surface.

Soldiers of the Khmer Rouge

This woman is crying and probably knew she and her baby would be murdered.

From 16 thousand prisoners, 7 survived S-21. One was an artist, who painted this picture.

The sign on the wall indicates, No Smiling

The graves in the foreground are of the 14 dead prisoners found by the Vietnamese when they invaded. In the background is PE apparatus (climbing rope) used for torture. Prisoners would be hung and submerged into the vats under.

At the Killing Fields

Many of the images in this post, above, are very disturbing


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